SNES controller upgrade, custom buttons and replacement membrane set.

img_1600-e1516204638556SNES custom buttons – dark grey  – $2

Button membrane set – $2.75

This particular controller is used on my laptop (via USB adapter + joytokey). The right button on the D-pad is flaccid. Also I always liked the look of the SNES but was always bothered by the color of the Y,X,B,A buttons, they looked like Smarties candies.


Kitsh-bent: I’ve used them in the past and liked the results, I may try Hand Held Legend in the future. The order came with an advertisement bracelet, I wish it hadn’t. I’m not going to wear this shit and its to big for my kids who would probably wear it for a day and lose it. Mind you I’m complaining about free stuff so its not a big complaint.


SNES custom buttons: The custom buttons are exceptional!



Button membrane set: this… this is not so exceptional.


You can see that the new (top) membranes are less substantial than the original (bottom).



The D-pad membrane fits OK.


The Y,X,B,A button membrane has to be slightly bent to fit between the two “posts”. I’m not liking this.


The START and SELECT membrane/buttons are to close together so fitment isn’t right. I put the original back.


Originals fit much better and match the new buttons better as well.

Now that everything is put back together, the D-pad feels great. The Y,X,B,A buttons feel a little to easy to push and the START and SELECT membrane/buttons were complete crap so I didn’t use them. All that said I love the way it looks and how the D-pad feels. I might go back to the original membrane for the Y,X,B,A buttons.

Don’t forget to keep original parts, they don’t take up much space and you never know if/when you’ll need them.

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